Botox and Parkinson’s Disease

Botox injections is becoming more and more popular as a treatment for rigidity in Parkinson’s patients. The botox relaxes the muscles and then physical therapy is recommended for stretching of the affected muscles as well as strengthening to other areas to encourage stability.

About shakingpt

I am a physical therapist for the pst 38 years. I have parkinson's disease for the past 7 years.
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2 Responses to Botox and Parkinson’s Disease

  1. Jeanne Rickert says:

    Mark is my husband, he is 60 years old. Has been diagnosed w/parkinsons for 8 years now.
    2 years ago he had the DBS surgery. Very successful. Yes, his disease is still getting worse, but his quality of life is better because of it. He was very active before it hit him and now he has had to quit paragliding BUT still plays golf at least once a week. He was great, but now he is average and loves his friends on the course. We are convinced that staying as healthy as you can with diet and exercise until maybe a cure is found is all we can do, and we are jumping on that band wagon with all of our might. We juice our greens for energy and nutrients in abundance, we keep the mind active, and the golf is great for endurance (he plays with friends, so he is comfortable, he has a hard time being heard with his speech). He does have deep tissue massage weekly which helps with is pain issue. He has had a problem with night terrors ( I call them). I have had a black eye in the morn and just remember a quick jab sometime in the night. We have a sweet makeup because he feels bad and I hate to tell him about it in the morning 🙂 His balance is getting a lot worse and I have convinced him to use his cane (given to him by another parky) after 5PM. When he is tired it is worse! We take everything day by day, physically, spiritually, and lovingly. I am writing this personally with a lot of little details because I know that Parkinsons seems to hit everyone a little different BUT yet the same. We have done a lot of research and have close friends with Parkinsons. Let me tell you that if you do not have a support group locally or online, think about it because we all are in this together. If I can help you at all please ask. I read once in a support book that if you are married to someone with a disease and you are taking care of them and loving them , then YOU have it to. So take care of yourself and ask for help when you need it.

  2. shakingpt says:

    I just commented on your beautiful letter, hit the wrong button and now and now it is gone. Sounds like your husband and I are on the same path. I also diagnosed 8 years ago. DBS last october, trouble walking even with the cane as fatigue sets in, speech problems etc. Have you tried LSVT Big for speech? That program works!!!! Call your local hospital to see if Speech therapy provides the program. You’ll be amazed at how it can help! Good Luck. Let me know if you try it.

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